
Digital training for the pharmaceutical industry

Train your field teams to meet the challenges of the pharmaceutical sector

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In the pharmaceutical industry, compliance with regulations is essential.
Ongoing, effective training enables you to:

Keep general knowledge of GMP standards up to date

Reduce the risk of errors and non-compliance

Prepare effectively for audits and inspections

Quickly adapt practices to regulatory changes

With Beedeez, make sure your teams are up to speed with the latest regulatory requirements, to guarantee the quality and safety of your products.

An extensive back-office to craft a good user experience in the field

  • Easily create your content (training, certifications, etc.) on your own or in collaborative mode,
  • Capitalise on your existing PDFs on safety, product references, etc. Everything you already have thanks to AI, 
  • Share the right content to the right learners, at the right time in their careers,
  • And measure the real-time impact of your training in the field.
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Pharma 4
Pharma 3-1

All the knowledge about standards and compliance at your teams’ fingertips in the field

  • The same quality of training as on a traditional LMS, but in structured and varied formats,
  • All content accessible on all devices and even offline for training anywhere, anytime,
  • Features to help you learn all the day-to-day skills you need, with and from others,
  • All adapted to learning in the field over short periods!
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Two complementary formats for on-the-job learning


Theoretical knowledge

Share essential information: Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), pharmaceutical regulations, properties of active ingredients, etc.


Field knowledge

Your teams share their technical know-how and tricks of the trade: handling production equipment, quality control, deviation management, process optimisation, etc.

Steps for creating engaging training

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Create varied and inclusive content

Using our Author tool, you can create content or implement existing PDF / pptx files and transform them into varied capsules with inclusive features.

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Create groups

To share the right content to the right group of employees, segment your teams by function (production, quality control, R&D, etc.).

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Share the right content at the right time

Set up your onboarding track in a logical way, so that your employees receive the right content at the right time during their integration.

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Repeat and automate!

Your onboarding is now ready to be repeated ad infinitum for all your future arrivals, guaranteeing continuous and effective training.

Immediate benefits