Our content partners

Content for our customers is good.
But quality content is even better!

Are you a content creator looking to join our network?

Share your expertise for ambitious projects

When you are not an expert, creating content can be time-consuming and tedious.

Even with an innovative platform, offering a complete experience through training content is real work, and it can be time-consuming.


But if we put this innovative training platform in the hands of recognised experts, then the content created becomes a real treasure trove of knowledge available to customers and their training projects.

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Through an innovative training platform

Because your learners not only need to have training content available, but above all to enjoy a unique learning experience, Beedeez enables its partners to:

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Gain privileged access to our Social Learning platform
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Become part of a network of experts recommended to our customers
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Offer a fully immersive learning experience to their customers

They are already part of our community of experts

Do you only believe what you see?

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Then it is time to try it out!
Become a partner